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 » Divorce » Kalpana And Anil Kumar Divorce Pics
Kalpana And Anil Kumar Divorce Pics
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Kalpana And Anil Kumar Divorce Pics
The marriage of Kalpana was in the year 1977 and after several years they started living separately due to family problems.This led to Malayalam actress Kalpana divorce in the year 2012.There was many assumptions regarding the reasons that led to the divorce of Kalpana. There was news reports that Kalpana’s husband Anilkumar had secret relations with a woman at Bangalore that led to problems in their family life. But Anil said that all these are just rubbish gossips and did not reveal anything more. In an interview he said that he fears Kalpana very much. In another interview Kalpana said that she is not saying anything that her married life is unsatisfied, because she had lived lot of years happily with her family.It was after a long 14 years or so, the problems in their family life started, which led to their divorce. it was Kalpana’s husband Anil Kumar who had filed the divorce petition in the Family court at first and based on this they were granted a divorce in the year 2012. After divorce actress Kalpana’s daughter Sreemayi Kumar was allowed to live with her.
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The marriage of Kalpana was in the year 1977 and after several years they started living separately due to family problems.This led to Malayalam actress Kalpana divorce in the year 2012.There was many assumptions regarding the reasons that led to the divorce of Kalpana. There was news reports that Kalpana’s husband Anilkumar had secret relations with a woman at Bangalore that led to problems in their family life. But Anil said that all these are just rubbish gossips and did not reveal anything more. In an interview he said that he fears Kalpana very much. In another interview Kalpana said that she is not saying anything that her married life is unsatisfied, because she had lived lot of years happily with her family.It was after a long 14 years or so, the problems in their family life started, which led to their divorce. it was Kalpana’s husband Anil Kumar who had filed the divorce petition in the Family court at first and based on this they were granted a divorce in the year 2012. After divorce actress Kalpana’s daughter Sreemayi Kumar was allowed to live with her. Kalpana And Anil Kumar Divorce Pics Kalpana And Anil Kumar Divorce Pics
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